Practical Advice for Taking Care of Elderly Parents


I’ve written before about the pressure for people in mid-life taking care of aging parents.  It can get tricky balancing your other responsibilities and ensuring you are there for your elderly parents. With time constraints and work pressures, it’s often difficult to find a spare moment for them. Many elderly people get lonely and bored.  Human contact is so important for their wellbeing so it’s important to find practical ways to reach out to them.

Technology is a great help.  There are now new gadgets that are specially designed for seniors. With a few basic tips and practical advice, you can help to give them the support they need. Before you know it, they’ll be more tech-savvy than you! 

Teach them new things

Not all elderly people avoid technology.  But if your parents are anything like mine, you know what a challenge it can be even to get them to use a cell phone.  But it’s important to teach them how to properly use cell phones and other devices to make it easier to keep in touch and so they have them readily available in case of emergency. Maybe you can get them interested in doing a course? Get them a user-friendly tablet as a gift.  Especially if you live far away, a tablet is a great way to have video calls with you. Have a look online at the best tablets for seniors. They’ll be calling you on Zoom every day from now on.

Being in your later years doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy new things. Many older people still enjoy traveling and exploring. Cooking is a fun hobby.  You can cook new and interesting recipes, like this sheer khurma for example. They’ll appreciate learning with you and cooking is a great way to spend time together.


Motivate them to stay active

If your parents are suffering from a lack of mobility there are things you can do to help them. Keep them as active as possible. There are workout classes designed specifically for seniors. If they are too anxious to leave the house you can find video tutorials online. There are plenty of different types of sports they can do, even from home.

Think of fun ways to stay active, you might want to get the grandkids involved as well. This will help to get them more motivated. Go for a walk somewhere nearby when the weather is nice.  There are plenty of options to keep them on their feet, from household aids to mobility scooters.

Invest in new gadgets

Nowadays advances in technology are making everyday life a little bit easier. There are plenty of new devices for seniors both for safety and convenience purposes. Here is a list of must-have devices for seniors. These include automatic medical alerts and specially designed cell phones.

If they’re suffering from health problems that affect mobility such as arthritis and lupus, there are many useful household products you can buy to allow them to be much more independent. This could include easier to use handheld objects with a better grip, as an example.

Remember your parents getting older can bring on unexpected issues so don’t be afraid to see professional advice or simply phone a helpline. There are plenty of ways to care for them even if it is remotely. The most important thing is to look out for each other.