3 Bad Health Habits You Should Stop Right Now


What is a habit? It’s something that we do over and over again, usually every day, or at least a few times per week. We become so used to doing it that it comes naturally and we don’t even think about it. The key to a healthy life lies in following many healthy habits every single day. By doing this, you constantly do healthy things that contribute to your overall wellbeing. On the other hand, an easy way to live an unhealthy life is to follow lots of bad habits. Unfortunately, we’re all guilty of slipping into bad habits without thinking about it. Here are some of the worst habits you should remove from your life immediately!

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Drinking alcohol every day

There’s nothing wrong with having a drink now and then. I certainly enjoy a beautiful glass of wine and have no plans to stop drinking entirely.  One or two drinks a week is fine.  But if you find yourself drinking every day, step back and evaluate. Alcohol is bad for your physical and mental health in so many ways. It causes weight gain, which can lead to heart problems. And though many people people drink to feel happy, in fact, over-drinking can cause depression.  Having one drink a day might not seem bad, but if you start to feel you “need” that glass of alcohol, then beware.  What we don’t want is to get on a slippery slope to alcohol dependency. If you physically can’t go a day without drinking, it is a problem. You may be just one small step to alcohol addiction.  If you are in this place, seek help before it is too late.  There are places like the Renaissance Recovery Center, where you can undergo extensive rehab. I have seen what alcohol dependency can do to a person and I can tell you, early intervention is key to recovery

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Staying up too late

Depriving yourself of sleep is such a bad thing to do to your body. You assume that the only problem is that you feel tired. While this can be annoying the following day, it’s not seen as a major health issue. However, sleep deprivation is terrible for your overall health & wellbeing. It causes imbalances in your hormones which affect your mood, weight management, and much more. And if you are already suffering hormonal imbalances due to menopause or perimenopause, the situation is made so much worse.  Your body can’t function properly if you don’t get enough sleep! It’s a bit like trying to use a laptop without charging the battery each day - the performance will very quickly get worse and worse. Aim for at least 7-8 hours per night, possibly more on the weekends if you have some extra time.

Not being active

An inactive lifestyle is often referred to as a sedentary lifestyle. In essence, it means that you aren’t moving your body enough. You sit down too much, you barely move, and it’s so bad for your overall health. A lack of activity can mean you put on weight, but it also means your heart and lungs don’t function efficiently. Naturally, this can lead to all manner of health problems. Try to be active every day of your life, even if this means going for a walk or cutting the grass. Did you know that cleaning your house, or doing some gardening is also considered exercise? Half an hour of activity every day is enough to help you reverse the effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

Move away from these bad health habits if you want to live a better life. I am willing to bet that you’re guilty of at least one of them! I know I am.  Shift from bad habits to good habits and you’ll soon see a change in how happy and healthy you are.