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Middle Age Needn't Impede Your Injury Recovery

We are at the forefront of a new generation. A generation for whom life begins not at 40 but at 50. A generation who refuse to consign themselves to a life of servitude and subjugation. A generation that isn’t quite ready to get out of the way and let the younger people have all the fun. As society awakens to the fact that, hey, perhaps women over 50 can still be a formidable force to be reckoned with, many of us struggle when it comes to reconciling our beliefs and our attitudes to the way in which our bodies are changing. It may be a medical fact that we peak in our mid twenties and spend the rest of our lives winding down. But just because our bodies are wired that way, doesn’t mean that we can’t take control and improve on nature. A generation of ageless beauties like Sandra Bullock, Ming Na Wen and Michelle Pfeiffer have shown that you can still kick all sorts of butt in what many would assume to be our twilight years.

When injury strikes, however, it can be a sobering reminder of the human body’s frailty. If we’re injured by the negligence or malpractice of another it can also be an extremely upsetting, frustrating and (let’s not forget) painful experience. But middle age shouldn’t be an impediment to our physical, emotional and psychological healing.

Remember, you deserve justice!

Society has relegated “women of a certain age” to the status of second class citizens for too long. Society has expected us to assume the role of subservient wives and mothers; a trend which more and more women are all too eager to buck. There’s never a bad age for a woman to be able to empower herself and one of the surest ways to do this is by taking what is yours. Thus, if you’re injured as a result of someone else’s negligence it behooves you to find a lawyer online who can give you the justice that you need and deserve. It’s not greedy or money grubbing, simply an opportunity for you to assert yourself.

Your diet is more important than ever

Whether you’ve already committed yourself to a healthier lifestyle or not you’re wise enough to understand the importance of nutrition in an era where all around you gaudily wrapped high fat, high sodium and high sugar convenience foods lurk to tempt you. If you’re injured, however, a good diet is more important than ever.

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Your diet is a key factor in your healing at any age, but as we get older our metabolisms become less efficient, meaning that diet takes on a whole new level of important. This means lay off the processed foods whose inflammatory properties can actually slow your healing and load up on fresh veggies and fruits and lean proteins to help heal damaged tissue quickly.

Keep up your exercise as much as you are able

Finally, it’s essential that you remain active while injured. While you’re not expected to push yourself to the point of exacerbating your injuries, staying active in whatever way you are able will keep you in shape while also ensuring a steady flow of endorphins and dopamine through your brain. This will keep you positive and prevent your injury from getting the better of you psychologically!