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Your Daily Routine For A Healthy Body

Keeping your body healthy is one of the most important things you’ll ever set out to do. After all, we only get one! If you don’t take care of your body now, you’ll wish you had later on. Although it’s never too late to start looking after your body, the earlier you start, the better. Below, we’ll take a look at what your daily routine should look like if you want to have a healthy body (and mind):

1. Drink Plain Water As Soon As You Get Up

As soon as you get up and out of bed, drink an 8 ounce glass of plain water. You could add a little lemon to it if you would prefer a slight flavor - just make sure you do this before any other drinks like tea or coffee. This is a good time to take your vitamins, too, although remember that some vitamins need to be taken with food. Drinking plain water as soon as you get up will kickstart your water intake for the day, help you to avoid fatigue and headaches, and ensure you are re-hydrated after a long period of not drinking anything. 

2. Do 10-20 Minutes Of Exercise

Once you’re up, it’s a good idea to get a little exercise, even if just for 10 minutes to get your circulation going and wake you up a little bit more. This could be a walk, yoga, or just stretching. Bear in mind that if you avoid exercise and sit down all day long, you may need to visit a chiropractor at some point to fix the alignment issues and pains you have in your body. You’ll feel much better after moving your body, even if only for a short while.

3. Get Outside

We should all be getting plenty of fresh air and vitamin D, yet many of us don’t. It’s true when they say we are like house plants with more complicated emotions. Try to get outside - if you can go for a short walk outside, you will kill two birds with one stone. Perhaps you could even walk or bike to work, or find another way to incorporate getting outside into your everyday life. Some people like to read or eat breakfast outside, depending on the weather.

4. Take Regular Breaks From Your Computer

Make sure that you take regular breaks from your computer if you work on one. Even if you don’t but you spend a large portion of the day sitting down, it’s important you stand up and take breaks. Make sure you get up and walk around at least once every hour.

5. Do A Longer Workout

At some point during the day, it could benefit you to get a slightly longer workout in, if your morning exercise was a short one. This could be in the gym, a long walk, or anything you enjoy!

6. Plan Your Meals

Planning your meals for the day, or even the week, ahead can help to ensure you’re eating a balanced diet. Buying and eating similar things each week should make balanced eating easier.

7. Spend Time Relaxing In The Evening

Give yourself a proper wind down routine so you can sleep soundly and reduce stress. Cut off electronics, take a bath, and read. Avoid caffeine, too!

So there you have it.  Simple routines that, once incorporated into your daily life, well make you healthier and stronger.