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Staying Present and Clear-Minded, Every Single Day

There are times when we’re holding the ball; at other times, we’re chasing it. When we’re holding it, it feels like we can do anything. We’re feeling sharp, energetic, clear-minded, and more -- it’s the best version of ourselves. When we’re not, life is just a little less bright than it could be. We’re a little cloudy. We don’t feel quite as in control as we normally do.

We often think that how sharp we feel is simply a roll of the dice. But it’s not: there are things we can do to influence things. In this blog, we’re going to take a look at a few tips that’ll help to push you in the right direction.

Reduce Toxins

It can be enjoyable to have a few beers or glasses of wines, sure, but it’s important to think about how regularly you’re drinking alcohol. A couple of times a week won’t have much of an impact, providing you’re not overdoing it. But if you’re drinking every night, then you’ll find that you’re not thinking as clearly as you should, and that you don’t have as much energy either. It’s recommended to take an extended break from alcohol (let’s say, three weeks to a month). You’ll find that within a couple of weeks of giving up that you have a lot more energy and that you’re thinking is sharper.


We all know that there’s a big difference in our approach to life when we’re well-rested, versus when we’re not. If you find it difficult to get a full seven hours of rest each night, then take a look at making some changes. Most people who have trouble sleeping are guilty of making one or two common errors. For example, are you drinking caffeine too late in the day? Are you getting too much screen time before you hit the hay? Identify what’s keeping you awake, take care of the issue, and you’ll find that you’re able to sleep much better.

Extra Steps

It’s important to look at ways of going the extra mile. You might have a baseline that you try to meet when it comes to your own level of calmness, but is it possible to take things even further? Of course!  There is a lot of great information about what’s good for us, and how we can feel our best. You can look at starting meditation, for instance. Or perhaps you could begin using a CBD inhaler from the Kaya Hemp Company. Over time, you’ll find that you’ve shifted your level of calm and ability to live in the present even further forward.

Limit Tech Use

Technology has done a lot of good for humanity; there’s no doubt about that. But it’s not all positive. There are also downsides to tech use. If you stare at a screen for too long, then you could experience brain fog. As such, it’s recommended you take breaks from time to time. Limit your screen time, and you’ll find that you’re able to think a lot more clearly.

Sometimes little changes make a big difference.  Try these easy suggestions and you will feel more present and clearer every single day.