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Maintaining Your Health Throughout the Pandemic

2020 has seen a whole lot of change implemented into our routines. While it is good that many of us are adapting and able to get by during the Covid-19 pandemic, many of these changes are proving detrimental to our overall health and wellbeing. It’s important that you still focus on your health during this pandemic - in fact, it’s more important than ever. So, here are a few ideas that could help you maintain a healthy and happy lifestyle in spite of all of the chaos around us.

Get Sufficient Exercise

Many gyms, sports clubs and fitness classes have been cancelled in order to comply with government guidelines regarding social distancing. So, your usual means of exercise may not be available right now. However, you do still need to get your recommended one hundred and fifty minutes of moderate aerobic exercise, or seventy five minutes of vigorous aerobic exercise each week! The easiest way to achieve this? A home workout. Sure, it may mean investing in some basics like handheld weights, a yoga mat or even a static bike for your home, but once you have what you need, there are plenty of free online tutorials.

Continue to Eat Healthy

Many of us have switched from routines that involved planning our lunches in advance (for example, for packed lunches for work) to being able to eat as and when we want in our homes. This means that many of us are slipping into unhealthy habits, overeating or undereating, or simply eating junk and comfort food. Make sure your diet is still balanced and healthy. Try to stay in line with your recommended calorie intake and ensure each meal or snack is healthy and draws from all of the right food groups in the right quantities. You can find information about recommended calories below:

●        Children aged 2 to 8 - 1000 to 1400 calories

●        Girls aged 9 to 13 - 1400 to 1600 calories

●        Boys aged 9 to 13 - 1600 to 2000 calories

●        Active women aged 14 to 30 - 2400 calories

●        Sedentary women aged 14 to 30 - 1800 to 2000 calories

●        Active men aged 14 to 30 - 2800 to 3200 calories

●        Sedentary men aged 14 to 30 - 2000 to 2600 calories

●        Active adults over 30 - 2000 to 3000 calories

●        Sedentary adults over 30 - 1600 to 2400 calories

Actively Relieve Your Stress

If you’re feeling stressed, it’s absolutely essential that you take steps to actively reduce it. Never underestimate how harmful stress can be for your health and overall wellbeing. Many people think it’s all in their mind, but it also impacts your body! Stress can cause a whole lot of tension, headaches, as well as changes to appetite and mood. So, incorporate as many stress busting activities into your routine as possible. There are countless things you can do, from booking in a massage with I Am Health to relaxing in the bath, taking a nap, kicking back and watching a series you enjoy, listening to calming and soothing music or anything else!

Know When to Reach Out for Professional Help

If you are really struggling with your emotional and mental wellbeing, you’re not alone. Many people are finding that they are having difficulties coping and are becoming overwhelmed. If you feel this way, it is important that you reach out for professional help from your doctor. Your doctor will be able to diagnose any underlying mental health concerns that may be exacerbating your stress and can guide you in the right direction to make things better and easier to cope with. Even if you do not want to visit your doctor’s office, you should be able to arrange a phone call or video call with your doctor so that you can discuss anything you have been experiencing. If they feel it is necessary, they may be able to prescribe you medication, refer you on to therapy, or take a combination of the two approaches. This could significantly help your situation! Also remember that there are also other sources of help out there, including helplines and support groups.

2020 really has been a difficult year for the majority of us and has taken its toll on our health and wellbeing as a result. It’s important that you don’t simply accept this. Instead, you do need to take active steps towards maximising and optimising your overall health and wellbeing in spite of the pandemic. It is possible - and hopefully, some of the above advice will really help you to get on the right track!